Friday, June 13, 2014

Smoothie Time

Soooo.....I made a smoothie :P
Hahaha I don't know they are very popular right now!! Have you seen how many instagram accounts have been created only for smoothies?? But I love them...

They give you pretty good ideas ;)
As I started to put smoothies in my daily eating schedule (sounds so fancy) I started looking through some of those instagram accounts and other "smoothie blogs" and saw THE Green Smoothie!! Ahhhhhhhhh (angel voice) 
They promised me: Healthy and delicious! Soooooo I tried it and it was amazing! I didn't believe at first that something so tasty could have like spinach or lettuce in it :P
But never judge a book by it's cover right? Hahaha I had to put that in there!!
So this is my recipe that consists maybe out of 2 blogs and 4 insta accounts and my own little twist :P

What you need:

1 Banana
2 Peaches
2 handfuls of spinach
1 tbsp Chia seeds
1 tbsp Linseeds (Flaxseed)
Water (or milk)

How to make it: 
Put the spinach with some water in the blender first because it needs more blending than the other ingredients. Blend it until smooth and than add all the other ingredients. If you want your smoothie to be nice and cold because it's SUMMER...put in some ice cubes or freeze your fruits! 

And voilĂ !! 

That's it and basically you can leave the seeds out if you don't have any. They just make it more nutritious and long lasting so you don't get hungry that fast again.
Also instead of water you can use milk or coconut water, but if you use water it's also vegan and lower on calorie.
As you can see, there are some things that you can change here and there....Just don't use sugar or honey as the sweet part of your smoothie, because that makes the whole effect of "I'm drinking a nutritious, healthy and low calorie drink" go away! Duh..
Always use sweet ripe fruits, because fructose is also sugar and therefore sweet ;)

Since I'm making them almost every day now, I'll probably be posting more ideas for recipes in the future! Until then feel free to leave comments and suggestions! Maybe you have a cool recipe to share :)



  1. I haven't tried a green smoothie yet.. but everyone is going on about them :-) so I might just have to finally give them a try.

    Thanks for sharing :-)


    1. You definitely should! I wasn't sure myself at first, but when I tried one, I had to make a blog post! So good :)
